Hubspot website test grader full marks 100% performance metric screenshot

Want to increase your eCommerce sales?

Gather more users for your SAAS?

Crank up your conversion rate?

Boost your business online?

Get a load more leads?

Of course you do 🙂
Need HELP?

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Website Speed, Security & Stability

A tired and temperamental website is bad for business

Speed kills? It’s the opposite for web sites. The slower it goes, the less you make. Fast is vital. Your users hate slow motion, as does Google and Bing. Plus, it mustn’t be an open door to the world’s most harmful hackers – I’ll check your speed and security and ensure it’s tiptop. So it won’t rob you of sleep. Broken? I will sort it out – and fix it fast.

Whether it’s WordPress, WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, Prestashop, Drupal, Joomla or another, your website will be faster, more secure and reliable after I’ve had my way. Email deliverability errors? Horrible hosting with sloppy servers? Need to migrate it to something with more powerful performance? Let me get the gremlins gone and ensure your site is an A-list contender. We can talk about a maintenance contract from there if you want it.

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Website User Experience

Is your site fit for human consumption?

Does your website gently nudge its audience towards your goals? Being human through a screen is hard. You must convince people. Whether it’s eCommerce, SAAS, lead generation or showcasing your business in its full authority. I assess your site as a regular first-time user, reviewing and looking for omissions, barriers and improvements. Your audience has great expectations.

Is your writing flat? Messaging amiss (remember it’s them, not you)? Are your graphics a bit grizzly? Is the path to action too twisty? You must make it sparkle above the competition. And the humans? Take them by the hand, guide them step by step – then finally persuade them. Convert them.

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Website SEO Audits

Delve deep for rich rewards

You know FOMO, the ‘fear of missing out’? The cure is to run a full SEO audit of your website. You’ll discover what’s good and what’s wrong. My audit goes further – it includes security, analytics, compliance, accessibility, email and your hosting infrastructure – the whole caboodle. So, it’s a tremendous tonic for your bottom line, as what you don’t know will hurt you. I run several tools across your site and then present you with a report showing the areas of improvement needed. I will also help with any changes you need.

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Google lighthouse 100% score performance result screenshot

Zen – and the Art of Website Maintenance